Taro Cyprianos

Historian and Mercenary

Tacitus “Taro” Cyprianos, born Tahro'sae Vhankoza and later known as Tacitus rem Cyprianos; is a Garlean-raised Keeper of the Moon Miqo’te who defected from the Garlean Empire following the Seventh Umbral Calamity. Taro initially served as a Pilus prior within the Imperial Army before defecting to Eorzea in the wake of the calamity. Following his defection he has taken up the work of an independent historian and adventurer, specializing on the history of the Autumn War. After he published his book: On the History of the Autumn War, Taro moved more towards the study of history first hand. To this end, he took up being a Mercenary, resuming his commission as a Captain in the Immortal Flames' Free Brigade.


Biographical Information
Name: Tacitus rem Cyprianos
Birth Name: Tahro’sae Vhankoza
Nicknames/Aliases: Taro, Taro the Whitetail
Home: Gridania/Ul'dah
Age: 35
Date of Birth: 27th Sun of the 3rd Astral Moon; 1542 of the Sixth Astral Era
Place of Birth: Corvos, Ilsabard.
Occupation: Historian, Sellsword
Job: Gunbreaker (Shadowbringers-Present), Samurai (Pre-Calamity), Lancer (ARR) Machinist (Heavensward-Shadowbringers)
Education: Garlean Military Academy, Ishgardian Scholastate
Rank: Flame Captain, Pilus prior (Garlemald;Formerly)
Affiliation: Sharlayan Studium, Immortal Flames. (Formerly- Scions of the Seventh Dawn, Bozjan Resistance, Garlean Empire)
Physical Description
Race: Keeper of the Moon Miqo’te
Gender: cismale
Hair Colour: Snow White
Eye Colour: Emerald Green
Height: 6’5
Weight: 250 LBS
Body Type: Mesomorph
Musculature: Athletic
Scars: Numerous: One over his left eye, several on his abdomen and left arm from a self-inflicted sword wound.
Other Information
Weapon: Rosa Cor (Gunblade), Molfrith (Formerly; shelved in his house)
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Relationship Status: Married (Main; open to multiship)
Guardian: Halone the Fury
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Misc: Left eye rendered completely blind following the Ilsabard Campaign.

Voice Claim




Taro is a Keeper of the moon Miqo’te of above average height and build. He has snow white hair and emerald green eyes, though one of his eyes has since been rendered blind and now appears as white. His upper body is covered in scars including several on his face. Namely, one over his right eye, an “x” on his left cheek as well as several on his left arm due to a self-inflicted sword wound. Like all male miqo’te he has marking under his eyes and has black streaks along his cheeks.Taro is usually seen in dark attire which contrasts heavily with his white hair. When he was a Pilus Prior in the Imperial army he wore a custom set of armor which allowed for his ears to have room. After defecting, Taro would adopt a more simple wardrobe as he got used to life in Eorzea. When he adopted the job of “Gunbreaker” Taro would wear a black variant of the Gunbreaker’s “Bodyguard” artefact armor as well as a pair of glasses in order to assist with the rapidly diminishing abilities of his left eye.During the Ilsabard Campaign, Taro would fully lose the use of his left eye, adopting an eyepatch to cover it. He would alter his gear and adopt the furlined, Allegiance Coat with some carryovers from his old armor. While he initially wore the coat in black along with his eyepatch, Taro would swap this out for a brown leather variant and a pair of round, rose-tinted glasses, exposing his blind eye.


Taro’s personality has gone through many changes in the wake of recent events. Initially described as cold, aloof and overall misanthropic; the things he saw during the events of the final days and the fall of Garlemald have changed the miqo’te’s outlook. His initial dislike of people and his lack of desire to form attachments was a direct result of his persecution by the Alaudae and Frumentarii. Given that the dissolution of Garlemald as an Imperial entity has removed any threat of this, Taro has been more open to forming attachments, albeit in his own cynical and witty way.He is still a protector at heart and even though his demeanour might spell the case for someone who is still perpetually gloomy, his desire to protect those who he loves overpowers even the most cynical comments the ageing keeper may voice.Since becoming a Gunbreaker, Taro has been more aggressive in battle, channelling much of his rage and power into frontal attacks that aim to protect his comrades on the field. However, he is still prone to “biting off more than he can chew” and making mistakes that ultimately make things more difficult for him.


Born in the year 1542 of the Sixth Astral Era to a Keeper of the Moon tribe near Corvos in Ilsabard, Tahro’sae was spared the fate of his birth family when they were killed by an Alaudae raid. The infant Miqo’te was hidden away in a crate only to be found by Cassius quo Cyprianus, a member of the local garrison’s officer staff and a populares. Scared for the child’s life, Cassius would bring the infant back to Garlemald and raise him as his own child along with his wife, Octavia pyr Cyprianus. Not knowing the name of the child, the two would name him Tacitus. Unlike many non-Garleans from the annexed territories, Tacitus had a good childhood much to the credit of his loving and supporting parents. He was given an Imperial education where he was effectively convinced by Garlean propaganda, though this was offset by the lessons that his more progressive parents gave him.

Following the annexation of Doma, the Cyprianii would be moved there to work with the local Imperial government. It was there that Taro would join the XIIth Legion and train as an Imperial Samurai. While he was still young he made friends with some local children where they would give him the nickname “Taro.” Taro was eventually transferred from the XIIth Legion, eventually joining the XIVth and later the VIIth. It was during his time with the XIVth that he would gain a reputation for his skill with his Katana as well as an epithet, “The Whitetail.” While he would further garner a reputation for ruthless efficiency, his honor and his adherence to an idealized vision of the Empire was noticed by Gaius van Baelsar, who sought to recruit Taro to his tribune.

This was not to be the case as in the wake of the Seventh Umbral Calamity, Tacitus would defect from the Empire the guilt of having served it resulting in his self-inflicted sounds on his left arm. Shedding the name Tacitus, he would venture off to Eorzea to become an Adventurer, eager to see the lands that his former home had sought to conquer.

Since his arrival in Eorzea, Taro has effectively become a staunch believer in Eorzean freedom and independence. He quickly joined the Ul’dahn Grand Company, The Immortal Flames, upon his arrival to the Realm. While initially finding work as a Lancer, Taro’s self-inflicted wounds ultimately prevented him from being effective at the job. Upon his arrival in Ishgard, he would take up the job of a Machinist which would ultimately see Taro putting his knowledge of Magitek into practice. Soon after, when he participated in the liberation of Ala Mhigo, he would try Red Magic, only to suffer from aetheric poisoning, something which would damage his left eye. Taking up his firearm once more he would fight from afar until the Empire sent agents of the Alaudae and Frumentarii to capture the Miqo’te. With no other option other than to protect his comrades, Taro adopted the job of Gunbreaker.

OOC Things

• 18+
• Canadian, EST timezone
• I RP all of my characters up to date with the MSQ, so if your character's universe is not caught up then it will not work. Last thing I want is to accidentally spoil story via RP.
• I enjoy making friends with my RP partners
Any attempts at exclusivity or attempting to control who I RP with will result in an instant Blacklist.
• ERP and Mature RP is enjoyed although currently I am looking to do more plot centric things
• I am not looking for OOC flirtation, I am happily MARRIED IRL and while I am flattered nonetheless... no.
• I enjoy long and detailed posts, if you are not looking for detail or don’t want to put in the same amount of effort then please find someone else. This goes the same for ERP, I will end a scene if I feel as though the effort is not equal.
• He DOES have a silly slash C slash list
• I prefer /tell or Party chat simply because its easier to follow and manage.
• I also draw occasionally.

Tales from the Snow - Part one

It was a cold day. It was always cold, and as the snow could be seen dancing down towards the ceruleum heated grounds of the Regio Urbanissima a small boy who looked nothing like those around him, cried within the confines of his family home. His hair was as white as the snow which fell outside while his eyes were green like gems though the whites around them were reddened due to his crying.“Oh Tacitus… what’s the matter my dear?” A gentle voice came from the kitchen as Octavia Cyprianos walked in and sat down next to him.While it took some time for the small miqo’te child to speak through his whimpering, when he finally did, his voice was quiet and gentle.“Why… does everyone pick on me at the Academy?” His voice whimpered out quietly. “They pull on my tail… and my ears… they say I don’t belong there….”He looked up at his mother, his eyes puffy and wet as he pointed at her forehead.“Is it because I don’t have a third eye like you and papa?” He asked, his voice crying out louder.Octavia, for her part, looked at him with a sorrowful look on her face. Slowly, her hand came up to rest on his head, her fingers entangling in his snow white hair and the golden band which she always wore was cold on his scalp.“Tacitus…. You belong here just as much as anybody…” She looked down and smiled at him with a big, warm expression on her face, one which could seemingly melt the Magna Glaecia if possible.“Those children are wrong… wrong to treat you like that… they will learn that the Empire is a place for everyone…” She covered the eye on her forehead and smiled at him again.Whether or not they have a third eye or big fuzzy ears.Octavia gave Tacitus a set of tickles, something which seemed to calm him down and cheer him up.Still, after she spoke those words she couldn’t help but look up at the wall. The everpresent painting of a younger Emperor Solus zos Galvus and the Ivory Standard beside it. She knew what she said was how it was supposed to be…. But it would take alot to make it that way…Tacitus for his part felt the warmth of the Magitek heater now, his mother’s comfort allowed him to ease his feelings. As the door opened soon after, the Cyprianos house sat down for dinner….It was a cold day. It was always a cold day as the snow danced down to the ground blackened by fire and blood. Taro Cyprianos stood in the doorway of what could once be described as a house. With a single step his armored boots crunched the rubble and shards of glass beneath his feet. Indeed, the shivers which he felt up his spine weren’t from the cold, but from the sight which he was taking in. The ruin was devoid of anything which could be made useful to the Contingent at Camp Broken Glass. Any Ceruleum from the Magitek heater would’ve long since been plundered.With his left eye covered due to his recent blindness, Taro could only swivel his head in order to accommodate for his new blind spot. Still, he could’ve sworn he saw something shiny out of the corner of his eye. Choosing to ignore it for now, he continued to search the ruin seeing a tattered Garlean flag as well as a semi-burned painting of a young Solus zos Galvus, the founding Father. As he walked into the ruins of the kitchen its almost as if his vision flashed to a sight of the past. Two Garleans and their child sitting down for dinner, the weather outside was frigid but the inside of their home was warm with family and ceruleum powered weather control.Shaking his head, he turned back, heading towards the door.As he got closer he noticed the shine again, something amid the debris. Now being something he couldn’t ignore, the miqo’te moved and knelt down to pick it up. The sight caused his heart to sink into his stomach.Although the golden band he held in his hand was beautiful. It’s implications were not.

Tales from the Snow - Part 2

“Again.”Marcus quo Longinus spoke in his harsh voice. Looking up, the small Garlean he spoke too swung again at the practice dummy.Several ilms away was the next person in line. Unlike the rest of those around him, this boy, Tacitus Cyprianos, was a miqo’te, a rather tall one at that. Of course, at the age of 10 he was still a child and though the other boys; especially the pure bloods, towered over him by this point, he still stood firm and strong.Like usual, it was another cold day in the Regio Urbanissma and as the middle of the day came around, their instructor guided them to put their equipment back in their lockers and pack up for the day.Tacitus was almost done putting his things away when he heard a voice from the other side of the room. It was clear, of course it was clear, with his ears there could be no mistaking it.“So it’s settled. We jump the weirdo with the tail when he’s on his way home?” He heard one boy say, his heart sinking into his stomach.“Yeah… why is he even here… treated like the rest of us? My daddy says he should just be an Aan… says he should be working in the Ceruleum mines in the outskirts of the city.”“You guys are being a bit mean aren’t you?” One of the more gentler voices sounded out. “I mean… it’s not like he asked to be here. And his parents are Garlean, what makes him different from us?”Looking down, Tacitus stopped listening. His fists clenched as his eyes, once again began to become blurry with tears. Slowly, he closed his locker and slowly, he made his way out into the cold streets of the Imperial capital. When the three boys came at him, he didn’t even try and fight back.“What was the point?” He thought to himself. “Who would they believe?”When he arrived home, his eye black, his lip bruised and fat and his ear twitching, he didn’t even say hi to his mom. He walked up into his room and closed the door.When a few hours passed a low voice could be heard beckoning the boy down to the living room. Once… twice… By the time the third call came, the voice was at Tacitus’ door, the head peeking inside was that of Cassius quo Cyprianos.Like most pureblooded Garleans, Cassius stood tall at 6 fulm 4, his hair hung loose over his third eye, strands of white streaked black contrasting with those ice blue eyes.“Tacitus?” He asked, the miqo’te laying on his bed, looking away from him.His father walked over, reaching a hand out but the boy recoiled and covered himself further with his blanket.“Son.” Cassius asked. “What’s the matter?”“Why am I here?” the voice under the covers asked. “This… this place isn’t for me… Why am I here and not in the Ceruleum mines?!”Cassius’ eyes went wide. He looked at Tacitus and shook his head.“What? Why would you say such a thing? Did something happen at the academy today?”There was no answer.“Tacitus-” He reached over and saw the battered face of the miqo’te he called his son.Tacitus had scarcely seen his father angry, especially when it wasn’t at him.“Who.”“It’s nothing…” The miqo’te responded quickly.“This… is not nothing” Cassius said sternly. “You are a Garlean, just like me, your mother, like anyone who calls this nation home.” He looked at his son and smiled at him.“And you shouldn’t have to deal with this sort of shite… regardless of what the instructors say about us needing to ‘ be strong for the glory of Garlemald’.”As tears trickled down Tacitus’ cheeks, his father took him into his arms and let out a low sigh.“More than a Garlean… you’re my son. And even in the future… should something separate us…. Should something occur which prevents you from being with your mother and I… or if I can’t be with you both…”The miqo’te looked up through red eyes.“You’ll always be my son.”Garlean cement did little to keep the cold out without a Ceruleum heater. Indeed, a gaping hole in the wall did even less to keep the cold out. From the hole, Taro Cyprianos could see at least two blocks down the street, in the distance, the shattered remains of the Palatium Novum and beyond that, the twisted remains of the Imperial Palace.Turning, Taro’s armoured boots crunched the debris under his feet. The remains of a bed, sat twisted across the small room, anything not metal having been incinerated by the firestorm which took most of the Regio Urbanissma towards the end of the Civil War.Looking out into the stream, Taro could see wandering war machina and Imperials who have been far too tempered to be cured. As he noticed a particular group moving to his position, Taro let out a tired sigh.His hand reached up, pulling his Gunblade from his back. The chamber rotated revealing he had a full array of cartridges.The miqo’te moved down, readying himself to ambush the makeshift patrol… then, he noticed something he wished he hadn’t.The tempered shambling Garlean, who’s black hair was interlaced with white streaks.It made his stomach turn.

Tales from the Snow - Part 3

“Tacitus what have you done?” Octavia Cyprianos said, her voice slightly horrified as she looked at her son.Before her stood Tacitus, his eyes looking to the side as he crossed his arms and looked away.“I got a mark… what about it?”Cassius looked at him, walking over next to Octavia and crossing his arms alongside her, the two of them mirrored in their stance in front of him.His green eyes wide, Tacitus looked at his father, then his mother. The ink had only partially set at this point but the mark was clear. Square, in the centre of his forehead, was a black mark, one reminiscent of a Garlean third eye.“Just what in the Emperor’s name were you thinking Tacitus?” His father said, his voice angered.“You know that will never come out.” His mother continued.Tacitus for his part crossed his arms and looked to the side. “So? It’s not like I’m the only Miqo’te in the Empire… I’ve seen lots with this mark on their head when the class travels down to Lacus Amoenus.”Cassius, on the verge of putting on his loud centurion voice to berate his son, paused just before he opened his mouth. His arms lowered to his side as he let out a breath.“Tacitus…” He said quietly as he canted his head. “You… didn’t do that because you felt like you had to… right?” He asked, his voice more sombre as he walked over and placed his hand on his son’s shoulder.Keeping his face turned to the side, Tacitus let out a quiet sound, his head turning as he looked at his father and then to his mother, who at this point, relaxed her expression to that of worry.“I.. mean… you and mom have a third eye…” He said quietly. “And I… I’m your son….”Cassius took a step back and turned to Octavia who in turn joined her husband’s side.“You are… but you don’t need that on your head to prove that… not to us, nor to anyone else.” His mother said gently.“Besides…” His father said slowly. “If anyone at school gives you problems again…”Tacitus looked at his father and smirked. “What? You’re going to beat up a kid? It might be a Senator’s son or something.” He laughed quietly.Octavia for her part looked at Cassius with a confused expression before Cassius responded. “No. But I’ll make sure their father knows not to mess with the son of Cassius quo Cyprianos… be he senator or even a Legatus…”“No one messes with my boy.”Through the rather large hole in the wall, Taro could see down the street to the shambling figure… Though it was dark, the man was unmistakable.“Gods be good…” the miqo’te growled under his breath as he watched the figure. Flanked by two autonomous pieces of magitek weaponry, the tempered man was undoubtedly Cassius quo Cyprianos.It didn’t take long for Taro to descend from the ruins in which he stood. The cold air slammed against his face as he dodged and weaved his way through the ruins of the Forum. Finding himself in a more opportune position, he tried, once more, to see if he could get a good view of the group.“If that’s him… gods willing I can get him to Camp.”Taro took his gunblade from his back. Three Cartridges… that’s all he had. With his eye already being rendered totally blind he worried little about his condition, it’s not as though manipulating his own aether would render him even more blind in that eye.Nevertheless, the miqo’te was determined. He would incapacitate his father and bring him back… then… then he could ask where mother was.The keeper moved quickly, dashing towards the first Machina and dispatching it with a swift swing of his gunblade. The trigger action rendering the magitek useless in seconds. Then, he launched himself at the other and took it down too. With how quick it all was, he barely had time to react when Cassius swung down at him.Taro had brought his blade up to block the attack looking dead on into the blue within blue eyes of his tempered Father.“Glory… be to ….nngh…..Garlemald.” Cassius spoke, his voice a drained out shell of its former self.Taro for his part knew what he had to do and gave himself the force to launch the tempered man back with a swift pull of his trigger.Cassius quo Cyprianos stood there shambling, his body hunched over as he looked at Taro.Taro was ready… he had to be, it would be the only way to save his father. With his blade held high, he looked at him. His eyes narrowed with concentration.Until he noticed something shiny hanging from Cassius’ waist.It was a gold band. His mother’s Gold band.

Tales from the Snow - Part 4

It was rare that the skies over Garlemald were clear, but today was one such day. The sun perfectly accented the crisp blue skies and the Forum Solius was filled with citizens who wanted to enjoy the weather.However, for Cassius quo Cyprianos, the day was anything but good. The dark confines of the office of Quintus tol Cinna was enough to drain the joy out of anyone who stood within. Flanked by the ivory standard and the dim glow of blue ceruleum lights, the Tribunus laticlavius looked across his desk at the Centurion.“Quite interesting then that you’ve been brought across my desk this many times and you still have a place in this Legion, Cassius.” The Tribunus said, his voice stern and focused. His eyes didn’t look up.Cassius stood firm in his stance, his eyes looking ahead as he took the usual stiff stance. His mind, however, raced. This could be it, he could lose his position… if only he had kept his mouth shut. Of course, it wasn’t out of the ordinary. Were he to receive 10 gil for every time he’s outwardly criticised the optimates in front of his men, he’d have no need to continue working in the Military.“Doma.” Quintus said simply as he looked up, finally fixing those cold, blue eyes on Cassius.“We have a need for men there, good men. Especially ones who can train new conscripts… your wife included… take her, and your boy and show our new citizens what it means to receive Garlean hospitality.”“You’re sending me to Doma my lord?” He asked, as though he needed the repetition, despite having heard him clearly. “But what about my home?”Quintus looked up at him and for a moment, said nothing. His eyes looked back down to his paperwork and he let out a sigh. “This position will not be permanent. But naturally it’s important that we make sure those in the Capital aren’t so… belligerent.”“Afterall, we are one Empire, united… we cannot worry about politics dividing us while Eikons threaten the very ground under our feet.”Deep down, Cassius knew there wasn’t anything he could do about this choice. The words, the platitudes in which the Tribunus spoke went in one ear and out the other. His loyalty wasn’t in question, but his politics were and it seemed like, these days, that was enough to get someone on the Frumentarii’s list.At least this way, he didn’t have to worry about Octavia… or Tacitus.“Doma?” Octavia said, repeating the final words of Cassius, “What about our home? Everything we’ve built here?”Tacitus stood still, his ears dipping back as he didn’t seem to grasp what he was hearing. Doma was essentially on the other side of the planet and being in a newly annexed province had all sorts of other issues attached to it.His father continued to speak, snapping his attention back to his parents.“The Tribunus already cleared the transfer with High Legatus van Galvus… we won’t lose our house, it will be held until my commission is finished.”“But we’re leaving…” Tacitus said, his voice getting more irritated as he took a step back.“Tacitus…” Octavia said, her voice gentle. “Sometimes this happens, but it’s only temporary… we’ll be back soon!”“I just got a group of friends…. And now we’re leaving!?” Tacitus said again, his voice cracking as he looked at her and then at his father. “Why… why?!’“Tacitus!” Cassius said sternly, his authoritative voice causing the miqo’te to snap out of his anger. “We don’t have a choice… not now. I apologize about your friends and this can readily be declared as my fault.”Tacitus was quiet.“Regardless of what happens… you will always have us no matter where we go, if we’re apart. If you ever leave the Empire behind.”“We’re family.”“We’re family…We’re… family.” Those words echoed in Taro Cyprianos’ skull as he looked before him. The implications of seeing the other golden band on his father’s belt. Thus far, the tempered centurion looked at the miqo’te, his eyes wide as he took an unstable step forward.As the skies began to twist into the violet of a cloud obscured thunderstorm, there was a rush of calm as the tempered centurion disengaged and shambled off. Just before that, Taro could’ve sworn he heard something from his lips.“F…amily.”“Did he just… he..” Taro couldn’t believe what he heard. Was there some small part of Cassius that could still see reason? It was plausible to him that it was that very reason the tempered Centurion was so close to their old home.Taro had little time to think as he hastily followed the tempered Garlean. His mind was full of questions and what ifs. If his father had the wherewithal to know where home was, perhaps he could be saved. To this end Taro rounded the corner, once again finding himself in front of the ruined house. His father was nowhere to be seen, that was until Taro heard a low whimper, one that sounded almost like crying.Slowly the Miqo’te made his way towards the sound, careful to not get any unneeded attention from the warmachina which wandered the streets of that Urban ruin. As the whimpering got louder, Taro ducked behind the corner of the house. From his one good eye, he was able to make out Cassius, knelt over something, the golden band in his hand.The Imperial muttered very little, but the words that did come out were equivalent to the drowned out slogan of all previous victims who were tempered by the towers.“Glory….be….glory… be…” the man whimpered as he took the golden band off his belt.Placing it on what appeared to be a semi-decayed severed arm.

Tales from the Snow - Part 5

“So you’re leaving then.” Octavia Cyprianos said, her arms crossing over her chest as she couldn’t help but worry about her son.It was another warm day in Doma, it tended to be, especially this time of the year. It had been almost a decade since the Cyprianii moved to the newly acquired province and since then, Ala Mhigo and Gyr Abania had been recently added to the Empire’s ever growing territory. Cassius was not home, likely still at Doma Castle serving as one of the Viceroy’s required Imperial staff members, a downgrade from his position as a Centurion within the Ist, but it was still preferable to being on the Frumentarii’s hit list.“Indeed…” The miqo’te said, his voice stern, he was beginning to sound like his father. “They say I’ll likely get send back west, maybe to Ala Mhigo… or even Werlyt.” The miqo’te continued, his low voice sounding almost excited.It wasn’t any mystery as to why. Since they had moved to Doma, Tacitus had a hard time fitting in, even more so given the justified dislike the local populace had for Imperial civil servants. Still, not being Garlean in the strictest sense gave Tacitus some manner of peace. Even finding a new group of friends, chief among them being Seron Dotharl. Such pleasures were enough to get the Miqo'te through his adolescence but now that he was standing tall, the adult that he was, he was ready for a new adventure.“Besides, Lord van Baelsar is in need of good soldiers… and i’ve been promised the commission of a Pilus Prior for my service in Yanxia.” He said with a smile. “The gil alone will be enough to allow for you and Father to properly retire!”Octavia didn’t speak. She looked down, her hand running over the bands on her wrists as she gave a small smile. It had been sometime since she had been an active soldier but in the time since her retirement, she’d been able to watch her son grow.Still, his commitment to the Empire made her worry.“Your father will be home soon dear.” Octavia said with a smile. “He’ll be delighted to hear that!”Sure enough, time passed and Cassius returned home to his wife and soon. Like his mother, Tacitus shared the news with him as well.“Enjoy it.” Cassius responded, his stoicism giving way to his pride in the accomplishments of his son. “Still… you need to hear this.”Tacitus’ head tilted, his eyes narrowing as he stood up. His dad approaching him.“What is it?” The miqo’te asked.“The Empire… service is… good, to serve your countrymen… to fight for your homeland is its own reward.” Those were the words, but Cassius scarcely believed them anymore.“But should you ever find yourself in a position where you are in doubt to what you are doing… where you question the very nature of your commitment to Garlemald and the Empire.”The hand moved to Tacitus’s head.“Then trust your instincts and your feelings… do what you feel is right and we will support you.”The miqo’te looked up at his father to see the man smiling back at him.“We are your family. Be you here in Doma, a citizen of the Empire or somewhere else…”“Never forget that…”The words echoed in Taro Cyprianos’ mind over and over again, even as the fiery screams of rage filled the rest of his thoughts.“He killed her.” He said, the words repeating again and again in his mind, first as his voice, then as a younger far more innocent version of himself.“You…” His mind raced, his arm raising his large gunblade into a combat stance. “You killed my mother.” He said, now hearing those words come out of his mouth, he could scarcely believe what he was saying.The wind was cold against his face, it was always cold in Garlemald and even when the summer’s warmth melted the snow, it was only for a time.The shambling mass that once called himself Cassius Cyprianos turned, his body arched forward as his eyes were wise, pupiless orbs.“I do as his Radiance commands…” He groaned out. “F-f-f-or the Empire.”He wanted to save him. He did, his mind was full of maybes and what-ifs, but it was suddenly interrupted when the tempered Garlean clashed his gunblade against Taro’s. Groaning under the immense strength the tempered man had, Taro could only pull the trigger and blast him away.Cassius landed in a heap, his body seemingly bent in ways basic pain receptors would’ve prevented. Soon though, he stood tall.“This isn’t you though.” Taro said firmly. “You were never one to blindly follow the Empire… you were a hair’s length away from a treason hearing…” He prepared his weapon once more, falling into his ready stance as the frigid wind blew through his coat.The miqo’te readied himself and Cassius came again, colliding with Taro. Were it not for the copious amount of training the miqo’te put into the art of being a Gunbreaker, he might have relented to the onslaught. But again and again, his defences held and the tempered Cassius flew back.This was the opening Taro needed. It took naught but a Rough Divide to get within an ilm of his father. If this is how it had to end, this would be it. But before his Gunblade could make contact, he felt a twinge in his heart. He couldn’t do it… he couldn’t kill his father.What would his mother think? His eyes turned to that severed arm, the blood around the cut long having since become a brown crust. At that moment he was reminded of his mission here. Not as Taro Cyprianos, but as a member of the Ilsabard Contingent. He was meant to save as many as possible.Not that the sudden realisation did him any good as by this point, Cassius was on him his strike seemed within an ilm of his face when suddenly, nothing.Opening his one good eye, he noticed Cassius had stopped as well. Nothing killed him, the tempered Garlean was still breathing but dividing him and his son was a long pole, that of a Magitek lance. Turning his head to the direction of which it came, Taro’s eyes grew wide.There, standing, bereft of an arm… was Octavia Cyprianos.

Tales from the Snow - Part 6

After everything he had seen, Tacitus didn’t think that returning to his parent’s home in Doma would be as hard as it was. Indeed, the so-called ‘end of Eorzea’ was just another example of what Tacitus had been serving. The power in which he gave so many years of his life towards… the dream of Garlemald.The dream that was, in reality, a nightmare.Bringing his hand up, the miqo’te found it hard to move his arm. The cuts into his tendons were still fairly fresh… as per his design, he would need to get used to using his right arm and in so doing, he would never wield a Katana again; not at the precision he was once known for.Just as he brought up his hand, the door swung open and Octavia Cyprianos stood in the entryway. She grabbed her son and she hugged him tight.“We were so worried about you.” She said firmly, pulling back and holding his shoulders. Tacitus could scarcely look her in the eye.“Where is Cassius?” he asked, obviously avoiding calling the man his father.“Your father? He’s inside… come in, he’s been worried sick about you.” Octavia said softly.Almost as if on queue, the tall Garlean stepped behind his wife, placing a hand on her shoulder as he obviously held back tears.“When we heard about Cartineau we feared the worst.” Cassius said. “We didn’t think…”“I wasn’t there…” Tacitus interrupted, still not making eye contact with the two of them. “Last minute… I was transferred to Werlyt… and… I found out something.” His voice was shaky, that usual stoicism which his service instilled in him was all but gone.“The Empire…. You..” he looked at the two of them. “What have we been fighting for? What did… what did the two of you fight for?”Octavia looked at Cassius who looked at Tacitus, his gaze unwavering as he let out a tired sigh. “That’s not an easy question to answer.” He said calmly.“Then please.” Tacitus said in response. “I have time… I’m not returning anytime soon.” Those words caused Octavia to look at him with a wide eyed stare, Cassius’ gaze remained unchanged.“At first… your mother and I… we fought for what we were told to fight for… but after a while… it was clear that… what we thought we were fighting for… wasn’t true.” Cassius seemed as though his words were held in for so long. As he kept his gaze on Tacitus, his eyes seemed to be holding back tears.Tacitus’ mind was filled with questions, he wasn’t sure what to ask next. But the one thing, the one thing he needed to know was on the tip of his tongue. So much so that he didn’t think before he spoke.“What happened to my real family?!”They were words that were clearly spoken out of anger. Octavia for her part, recoiled slightly and held her hand over her mouth. The Cyprianii were his family, they raised him as though he was their own. Cassius seemed to know that the words were spoken out of turn. As a result, he placed a hand on Tacitus’ shoulder, only to be met with a recoil from the miqo’te.“Killed… by the Alaudae.” He said quietly. “Your mother and I were on patrol in Locus Amoenus…we came across what seemed like a miqo’te encampment… everyone was dead… apparently… one of the soldiers got drunk, tried forcing himself on one of the women.”After a pause, Cassius continued. “The men fought back and the result was a massacre. When your m– Octavia and I found the camp… we found one barely alive. She led us to you and died before we could get help.”There was a long silence after and Cassius, as tears rolled down his cheeks, said two words.“I’m sorry.”Tacitus stood there. The story itself seemed to shake him but overcoming the shock was fairly quick. “May I come in?” He asked.Octavia spoke up. “Please…”A few hours passed but to Tacitus it felt like weeks… months… but as he finally came too he looked at the two of them and nodded. “Adopting me… put you two on a hit list didn’t it?” He asked.Cassius looked at him and nodded slowly.“And that’s why we moved here?”“Yes.” he responded.“You know I can’t stay here. Not anymore.” he said firmly. “I refuse to continue fighting for this place… I can’t.”Cassius walked up and placed his hand on Tacitus’ shoulder. Octavia followed suit. “Remember what we said when you first set off?” She asked.“We’re family… regardless of where you are… and what you do.” Cassius continued.“I want…” he looked at them. “I want you two to disown me.” Tacitus said suddenly. “If I leave… if I defect… they’ll come for you… for both of you.”Cassius looked at his son, his eyes wide in disbelief, Octavia did as well, though her’s held back tears.“Please.” the miqo’te said quietly, tears dripping from his face. “I can’t lose… another family.”Cassius remained silent. For a long while, they all did. Then, he spoke.“We won’t.” He said firmly. “They’d come for us anyways… even if we did disown you…” He gave him a wry smile. “But you’re our son… regardless of how you look, and whatever you do with your life… that will never change.”Tacitus looked up at them, now his face spelt disbelief.Octavia looked at him and smiled. “And we will never leave you… even if the Frumentarii hauls us off…”“Then come with me at least!” Tacitus shouted before Cassius shook his head. “No… we can’t. We’re already watched by the Frumentarii… we would draw attention to you.”A soft little laugh left his lips as he kissed Tacitus on the forehead, right where that black mark sat.“We’d be right shitty parents if we slowed down our boy… wouldn’t we be Octavia?”Octavia smiled and nodded. “But rest assured… if you’re ever in trouble… I’m sure I’ll find some way to come in and wipe dirt off your cheek… just like when you were little.”Everything seemed to stop. Where once there was an uninterrupted view to Taro’s tempered father, there was now the pole of a Magitek lance sitting between them. As his eyes looked over, he saw her.Octavia seemed as though the only thing that really aged her was the recent troubles in Garlemald. Still, she appeared quite youthful, despite her age. As the tempered Cassius responded with a growl, Octavia moved swiftly, tactfully kicking her tempered husband in the face.The left sleeve of her coat was folded and bound, likely covering the stump of what used to be her left arm.Taro had little time to ask questions as Cassius began to stand once more, during which time Octavia turned back to Taro and smiled. “I promise I can answer any questions you may have… but-” she turned back and looked as Magitek Sentries began making their way down the street.“We have this to deal with first… your father has only been tempered for the last two days…The chatter in Tertium tells me there is a way to fix this… yes?”Taro nodded swiftly. “There is.”“Then, honey, I would never say this normally but please, kick your father’s arse. I’ll keep the Magitek off of you.”Octavia grabbed her Magitek lance and in a flurry of grace and speed, the veteran was off, leaping through the air and quickly dispatching the Magitek as it came. It seemed that all her time in retirement, in addition to her lack of an arm did little to hamper her skills.For his part Taro pulled his gunblade from his back and emptied the chamber. Without any cartridges he didn’t worry about doing any permanent damage to his father.As the tempered Imperial attacked Taro’s feet carried him into a quick dodge before he attempted to land a blow on Cassius’ back with the blunt side of his gunblade. As the hit managed to connect, Cassius’s body tumbled to the ground.Taro panted, he had fought tempered before, more so when he first arrived in Garlemald with the Ilsabard contingent. But there was something else here. His mother’s words were enough to spurn him on and continue fighting, erasing any of the previously held concerns he had. But his father’s overall resilience had him doubting if he could be saved.Of course, these doubts were erased when, upon rising to his feet, the tempered Imperial tumbled to the ground, still breathing but very clearly knocked out.It was as if everything fell silent. Taro standing there, his breath emitting from his mouth in puffs of steam as the cold air seemed to get more intense. He looked down at his father laying there in a heap and slowly, he spoke two words.“I’m sorry.”But as his mind began to fill up with more maybes and what-ifs about his father’s condition, the sound of footsteps quickly stopped his mind cold in its tracks. Octavia now stood before him.Her lips curled up in a smile and her hand rose to his cheek, wiping off the soot which caked his skin.“We were so worried about you.” She said, the words causing Taro’s mind to bounce back to that day where he told them he would leave the Empire behind. For all this time, all these years. He had felt alone in someway. Despite all those who cared about him, despite all the love he felt for those who came into his life to warm it…He still felt alone. Like something was missing.But like most of the worries the Miqo’te felt. Despite everything his mind told him during his bouts of overthinking and anxiety. It was just a trick. Despite everything, Taro was lucky and his family was okay. He was okay.Grabbing his father’s unconscious body, the Cyprianii made their way to Camp Broken Glass.

Garlemald was never known for its warmth. Some say it was the temperature alone that led to the hardened pure-blood disposition towards those outside of the former Empire’s lands. Of course, since the conclusion of the Final Days and the initiation of rebuilding efforts, the people of Garlemald, former military and civilian alike, had begun to see the joys of peace. The Empire was gone, the remainder of its administration and idealism ending with a bullet through Quintus van Cinna’s skull, but her people would live on.Coming up to the residents of Camp Broken Glass, Taro Cyprianos had a look of peace on his face; something which many of his colleagues seemed to think impossible. As he approached one of the huts nearby, the miqo’te had felt something that was much different than the sensation he felt the last time he roamed about the burnt out ruins of the Regio Urbanissma.He felt warm.He looked about and saw parents with their children, gathering supplies and materials to rebuild something, he saw uniformed soldiers speaking with those who wore the uniforms of the Grand companies of Eorzea. And he saw his mother, Octavia Cyprianos, speaking with a tall, dark haired garlean, his father Cassius.Just seeing them both up and talking was all Taro needed to see in order to feel at ease. Since facing his father during the campaign, the Garlean had been in a coma following the Contingent’s efforts to remove Anima’s tempering. As such, Taro was unable to have a proper conversation with him before he left to assist with the defence of the ruined nation when the Final Days came to Garlemald. Such as it was, Taro had no idea what he would even say to the man. So, he resolved himself to ensure that both he and his mother were okay from afar, before he planned on departing to Tertium in order to assist with the efforts there.As Taro had started towards the pathway that would lead him towards Tertium, a familiar voice rang out in his ears.“Tacitus.” It said simply with a chiding, yet gentle tone. Taro turned and standing there behind him was his mother and father.Octavia stood before him, her hand on her hip while her stump remained covered by the folded sleeve by her red jacket. “You weren’t just going to wander off without saying something to us were you?” Her voice was gentle despite the obvious scolding nature of what she was saying.Taro for his part looked at her and then over to Cassius. The stoic Garlean didn’t say anything and he even seemed like he couldn’t even keep eye contact with the Miqo’te. Taro’s eyes lingered on Cassius for a long moment, so long that Octavia noticed. She turned towards her husband and nudged him slightly causing him to snap back to his senses and finally, he turned his gaze towards Taro.“Tacitus…” The stoic Garlean said, his voice slightly shaky from the race of emotions he no doubt had rushing through him. He walked forward a few steps, moving to put his hand on Taro’s shoulder like he did in the past. He stopped just short, recoiling for a moment. It took a few seconds before Taro looked at him and finally smiled.“Dad. It’s okay.” His growly voice was gentle, soft even and he took Cassius’ hand and placed it on his shoulder. “I don’t hold any of it against you…” Taro gesticulated his hand around, his finger miming a circular motion. “None of what anyone here did, while under Anima’s control, was their fault…”Cassius looked at him and said nothing, he couldn’t say anything really. Octavia for her part, looked at the two of them, smiled and placed her hand on Taro’s shoulder as well.“Tacitus.” She started, “Taro…” She continued. “We couldn’t be more proud of you… for everything you’ve done… you’ve grown into quite a man since you went to Eorzea.” She chuckled and Cassius turned to look at the light in his wife’s face.“I assume you’re going back then?” Cassius asked, his hand withdrawing before settling once the tall Garlean crossed his arms. “To Eorzea?”“Of course I am.” Taro responded, “It’s my home after all…” He paused and chuckled, “I’ve got… roots there now.”“Well!” His mother’s voice piped up “You’ll have to introduce us, won’t you my dear?” Taro looked over to see her with a bright expression on her face. “After all, now that Garlemald is trading with the outside world again, we really ought to make the trip down to see you more often.”“Mother…” Taro said with a low groan.“No no she’s right…” Cassius spoke, placing his hand on Octavia’s back and standing next to her. “Don’t really have to worry about being on any watch lists now… and besides.” He smiled. “It’s a whole new world now…”Fighting back the urge to let his tears pour down his face, Taro embraced his parents. The Cyprianii sitting down for a warm meal, together after so many years.It was a cold day. It was always cold in Garlemald. But for the first time in a long time… it felt like things were getting warmer.

Tales from the Snow is a Six-part short story about Taro Cyprianos' experience in Garlemald during the Ilsabard Contingent's campaign in the events of Endwalker. There are partial spoilers to what the player sees in Garlemald so this story is not recommended for people who have yet to complete this area. Furthermore the story consists of sensitive topics such as bullying.Should you wish to continue, below is the button to get started. Please enjoy!

SIXTH ASTRAL ERAPRE ARR1542- Tahro’sae Vhankoza is born to Tahro Vhankoza and Ita'a Lheye in Corvos (Locus Amoenus)The Vth Alaudae detachment under the command of Gnaeus quo Caligula massacres the Vhankoza for sport (Though this is under the guise of a Partisan cleansing in Corvos)
Tahro’sae is left the sole survivor of the massacre save for his mortally wounded father who directs Cassius quo Cyprianus towards Tahro’sae’s hiding spot as a final act.
Tahro’sae Vhankoza is adopted by Cassius quo Cyprianus and his wife Octavia and is named Tacitus Cyprianus.
1547- Cassius Cyprianus fights in both the annexation of Bozja and Dalmasca, earning him right to lands within the Capital. This also allows for the adoption of Tacitus to be properly accepted by Garlean authorities.1550 - Tacitus attends school in Garlemald thanks to the support of his parents. His time is mired with bullying and abuse from the other pupils and teachers leading to his transfer to multiple different academies in the capital.1552 - The Cyprianii are sent to Doma in order to assist with the Imperial annexation. Cassius Cyprianus works closely with the Imperial administration.1553 - (Age 11) Tacitus attends the newly established Imperial military academy and trains to become an Imperial Samurai. The Garlean Empire encroaches on Ala Mhigo1557 (Age 15) Ala Mhigo is conquered1558 (Age 16) Tacitus aan Cyprianus officially joins the Garlean Military, joining the VIIIth Imperial Legion.1560 (Age 18) Tacitus oen Cyprianus is rotated to the Vth Legion in Bozja. This is short lived however and he is rotated out once again to the XIVth Legion, serving under Gaius van Baelsar in Ala Mhigo for a time.1562 (Age 20) Tacitus quo Cyprianus fights alongside the XIVth during the Battle of Silvertear Skies. During this battle he is wounded, his eye gaining a scar in the process. He earns a promotion for his heroism in saving the crew of an Imperial Juggernaut and is promoted to the rank of Pilus Prior by Gaius van Baelsar.During the battle, Tacitus also develops a fear of dragons after seeing Midgardsormr pull down the Agrius. As well as watching one of his peers be ripped apart by Midgardsormr’s horde.
The Bozja Incident shakes Cassius Cyprianus’ faith in the Empire as his brother is killed at the Citadel.
1566- (Age 24) While initially being primed to join Gaius’ tribune, Tacitus is transferred from Baelsar’s wall to Werlyt for a time.
1569- (Age 27) Tacitus witnesses an attack on a Civilian vessel by the XIVth Legion. He penalizes several perpetrators but is transferred out of the XIV soon after.
Tacitus returns to Doma for a time staying with his family until he is officially returned to the XIVth
1570- (Age 28) Tacitus is tasked with leading a raid on a potential Ala Mhigan Resistance base in The Fringes. However, the mission’s intel was wrong and a small mining town of Ala Mihn is wiped out.
Tacitus requests a transfer and is transferred to the VIIth Legion under Nael van Darnus.
1572 (Age 30) Tacitus fights in the Battle of Carteneau and witnesses the horrors of the Calamity. Finally and fully disillusioned with the cause of the Empire, Tacitus defects. First he visits his family one last time before leaving in the dead of night, heading for the Ghimlyt Dark.
Out of guilt, from the massacre of Ala Mihn to the horrors he witnessed at Carteneau, Tacitus slices the tendons in his sword arm.

SEVENTH UMBRAL ERA - Main TL2 (Age 32) - Tacitus arrives in Gridania, taking the name “Taro Cyprianos”3th Year of the Seventh Umbral Era -
Upon his arrival in Gridania, Taro makes attempts to properly amalgamate with the local Keeper of the Moon community in the City. He joins the Lancer’s guild and attempts to get his combat ability back with a new weapon of choice. He has mixed success as a lancer but continues to work on his skills with a spear, engaging in adventures with the local guild to face the Ixal as well as the Coeurl Claws. He spends much of his off time engaging in historical research in order to get to know his new home. By the time of ARR, Taro is well versed in Eorzean history and knows more about the city states of the realm than many of their own residents.
4th Year of the Seventh Umbral Era
Taro has a hard time fitting into life in Gridania however; his application to the Woodwailers is rejected several times due to his setbacks with his lance and he leaves Gridania for Ul’dah. During his sojourn to the Sultanate, he joins a group of Adventurers and fights off a series of Amaal’ja raids on Ul’dahn merchant caravans. Upon his arrival in Ul’dah, Taro promptly becomes a sellsword and does jobs for the Adventurer’s guild in the city, eventually applying to join the Immortal Flames Free Brigade. This allows him to make consistent gil while also continuing to pursue his study of History.
5th year of the Seventh Umbral Era - A Realm Reborn
Taro’s first major battle within the Immortal Flames has him participate in Operation Archon. As with the rest of the Flames, Taro joins the assault on Raubahn’s Push which ultimately leads to the battles within Castrum Meridanum and the Praetorium.
1st year of the SEVENTH ASTRAL ERAWhen the investigations into The Ivy begin, Taro is seen as a suspect due to the knowledge that he is from Garlemald (though his true rank in the military was still unknown at the time). He is suspended from active duty and leaves Ul’dah for Coerthas. Once there, Taro attempts to head to Ishgard but is prevented from doing so by the City’s lockdown. He converts to Ishgardian Orthodoxy with the hopes that this will get him into the City but to no avail.While doing leves in Coerthas, he meets Stephanivien de Haillenarte who is gathering materials for his manufactory. The two strike up a friendship and Taro gets into Ishgard on the good graces of House Haillenarte.HeavenswardTaro’s time in Ishgard coincided with the final days of the Dragonsong War. While he lived in the City he attended the Scholastate under the sponsorship of House Haillenarte. There, he had much more access to historical texts and as a result, he was able to fully embrace his passion for Military history. While Taro had done some writing back home and when he first arrived in Eorzea, his time at the Scholastate led him down the path of fully embracing the subject.Taro would leave Ishgard just before the revelation about the history of the Holy See, working as a Sellsword in order to pay for a trip to Sharlayan in order to continue his studies. When he found that he was not making enough money in order to purchase a ticket and deal with living expenses, he returned to Ul’dah and resumed his commission with the Immortal Flames. During this time, he started writing historical articles with the hopes of getting recognized. Eventually, his work was picked up by the Ala Mhigan historian, Erik who, despite his patronizing tone, took an appreciation for Taro’s passion for the subject.His study of Ala Mhigan and Eorzean military history led him to witness the Battle of Baelsar’s Wall and the subsequent summoning of Shinryu. When he witnessed the actions of the Warrior of Light, Taro sought to help the Scions of the Seventh Dawn in their eventual sojourn into Gyr Abania.StormbloodIn the beginning of Stormblood, Taro is hired as an expert on both the Garlean military in Gyr Abania and as a specialist in terms of Ala Mhigan military history. Initially he assists both the Ala Mhigan resistance as well as the Scions of the Seventh Dawn in their initial attempts to liberate Ala Mhigo. During the Garlean attack on Rhalgr’s Reach, Taro is lightly wounded but otherwise unscathed. To that end he joins the Scions on the trip to the East, returning to Doma for the first time since his defection in the wake of the Calamity. Prior to the Liberation of Doma, Taro was recognized by the Garleans stationed there. He admits the full truth of his past to the Scions and, despite some initial reluctance, he is still accepted. He assists in the liberation of the Kingdom soon after and later, the liberation of Ala Mhigo.In the wake of the Ala Mhigan reconstruction, Taro begins to write his Chronology of the Autumn War, titled The History of the Autumn War. While Professor Erik acts as his main thesis consultant, the other, Professor Balrik has a difficult time working with Taro due to his thesis.Taro attempts to study Red Magic during this time. However, due to his upbringing in Garlemald, his body never got used to properly manipulating aether and, as a result, he is poisoned, severely damaging the sight in his left eye. As a result Taro begins to wear glasses. As he continues to work on his book, he continues to work with the Scions and the Warrior of Light. When the Scions begin to succumb to a mystery illness that leaves them comatose, Taro helps out more around the Rising Stones in Mor Dhona. He joins the Eorzean Alliance in the Battle of Ghimlyt Dark, fighting as his rank of Captain in the Immortal Flames. Following the Battle he returns to Ala Mhigo in order to continue his research.In the wake of the battle of Ghimlyt Dark, Taro too succumbs to the unknown illness that had taken the rest of the Scions. In his comatose state his body is stored in the Rising Stones.Shadowbringers
As the Warrior of Light travels to the First shard in order to rescue the Scions, Taro remains in the Source and continues to fight on the front lines against the Garlean advance north of Gyr Abania. When the Garlean lines collapse in the wake of Emperor Varis’ assassination, Taro returns to Ala Mhigo and continues his research while also keeping an eye on the news. During this time, he begins to notice more run-ins with the Frumentarii.
Taro awakens in Lakeland and eventually finds his way to the Crystarium. As he makes his new home there he finds himself engaging more with the tomes locked within the Cabinet of Curiosity. He seeks to find out more about the history of the First becoming enamored with the history of the Elves of Lakeland as well as with the Kingdom of Voeburt. Eventually, Taro meets up with the other Scions and visits Kholusia. However, the sight of the squalor in Gatetown and the society of Eulmore as a whole disgusts him to the point of returning to the Crystarium. This time, Taro would learn more about the history of the Flood of Light as well as engaging in Sin-Eater hunts.He would spend a year within the First before the Warrior of Light’s arrival. Much like the rest of the Scions, Taro would join and assist them in the defeat of Vauthry and Emet-Selch.Upon returning to the Source, Taro would ascertain the situation in his old homeland. While initially worried for his parents, Taro would be unable to assist them as he had learned that a Frumentarii agent, Cicero goe Caligula, was hot on his tail. As a result, he returned to Ala Mhigo to continue his book. During his time in the city, Taro was set upon by an assassin and, finally resolving to adopt a more defensive method of fighting in order to protect himself and his loved one, he sought to learn the art of the Gunbreaker by seeking out and learning from Radovan Slobasch. During this time, he also learned that Professor Balrik had leaked his location and past to the Frumentarii. His motives primarily lay with Taro’s thesis and the worry that it could portray pre-Garlean Ala Mhigo in a negative light.Taro would find his way to Gangos where he would join up with the Bozjan Resistance. There, he would become a Gunnhildr’s Blade and learn how to be a Gunbreaker. He would create his own Gunblade with help from Q’rys Zinbhe as well as Stephanivian in Ishgard before making his way to the Southern Front. During this time, Taro would take part in both the Battle of Castrum Lacus Litore and the Raid on Delbrum Reginae. Taro would leave the Liberation of Bozja as a fully fledged Gunbreaker and return to Ala Mhigo, finishing his book and revealing Balrik’s collaboration with the Garleans this would also lead to a climactic showdown with Caligula killing him. Following this, Taro would complete his manuscript and released On the History of the Autumn War. After this, he would continue to publish articles, tiering his study more towards pre-war Bozjan military history.Taro would assist in the fight against the Lunar Primals, finally joining the Scions officially before the beginning of the Final Days.Endwalker
Taro travels with the rest of the Scions to Sharlayan in order to learn more about the coming Final Days. For Taro, the sojourn there was like a journey completed as he had initially intended to travel to the Island when he first became a Sellsword. As the Warrior of Light, Estinien, Thancred and Urianger travelled to Thavnair, Taro remained in Sharlayan in order to make his case towards accessing the Studiums archives to further his research. As Taro had become a recognized author in the wake of the release of On the history of the Autumn War he had little issue in accessing these, especially after defending his thesis against one particularly critical Scholar.
When the Ilsabard Contingent was formed, Taro joined along with the Scions and the Warrior of Light. Upon arrival in Garlemald, Taro would join the initial scout team in setting up a base at Camp Broken Glass. However, soon after he would venture into the heart of the shattered capital, searching for his parents.Taro would confront his father, Cassius Cyprianus, who had been tempered by Anima. During the ensuing fight his mother, Octavia would intervene, having lost an arm at the hands of her tempered husband. As the two Cyprianii teamed up and defeated the tempered Cassius, Taro would bring his unconscious body back to Camp Broken Glass in order to be healed and protected.As the final remnants of the Garlean Military collapsed and Quintus van Cinna committed suicide, Taro would watch as the final vestiges as the Empire that both took his family and gave him a new one, collapsed. When the Warrior of Light’s body is taken by Fandaniel and possessed by Zenos Galvus, Taro would throw himself in the way of an attack by the possessed hero, putting up an aetheric barrier too fast and succumbing once again to his Aether poisoning. His left eye, which had been damaged during his attempt at Red Magic in Ala Mhigo, was rendered completely blind, becoming devoid of colour as a result. After his quick recovery, Taro would join the Scions in the attack on the Tower of Babil.Taro would remain in Garlemald as the Final Days began to consume the Source, watching as they reared their head towards Garlemald. Taro fought, protecting both Garlean and Contingent forces. When the Warrior of Light arrived from Thavnair in order to assist in the defense, Taro continued to stay by them.Taro joined the Scions in the venture into the Aetherial Sea, where he would see and meet his Birth parents. While he had no idea who they were, the Warrior of Light had an echo vision and explained to him, causing Taro to sorrowfully weep.When the Ragnarok arrives in Ultima Thule, Taro sacrifices himself in order to help the way progress forward. Taro, like the rest of the Scions, is resurrected before they explore the Dead Ends. In the wake of the final battle against the Endsinger, Taro like the rest of the Scions is teleported back to the Ragnarok.Then the Warrior of Light is recovered from the final battle with Zenos, Taro celebrates and is relieved.Upon the return to the Source and the official disbanding of the Scions, Taro returns to working as a Sellsword. However he is granted a commission as a lecturer at the Studium in Sharlayan, running classes on military history. He still feels the pull of Adventure and joins along with the Warrior of Light (depending on the ship he’s in).

DawntrailWith the opening of Tuliyolal to the wider world, Taro ventures to Tural in order to act as a liaison for the Immortal Flames, sharing military strategy with the Landsguard in order to work on a more formal alliance with Ul’dah. He also takes a sabbatical from the Studium, using his time to research the history of the Landsguard as well as the unification of Tuliyolal. Ultimately his desire is to write a thesis, comparing the differences between how Tuliyolal keeps its dominion and how Garlemald kept its. He hopes to compile his work together into a monograph titled “Respect and Conquest: How Tuliyolal grew and kept its nation.” The work is intended to be a treatise on the lessons Garlemald and take from Tuliyolal in its rebuilding.